The United Way, the Kokomo Howard County Public Library, and other community leaders have set a community-wide goal aiming to raise the percentage of Howard County Kindergartners’ readiness levels from 45% currently to 75% in 5 years (2022).
Our community has noticed that our children are not starting school ready to learn and instead lack key cognitive, social, emotional and language skills that are vital for further brain development.
90 % of brain development happens within the first 5 years of a child’s life. These first few years are a time of enormous social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth. Children who are prepared for Kindergarten are less likely to be held back or drop out of school and have a better chance to succeed in college (post-secondary schools), work and life.
We now have 5 different backpacks available for check out. Each backpack kit includes items and activities that develop essential skills for kids to succeed in kindergarten and each one focuses on different skills.
Check with your caseworker or the Front Desk clerk to see which one might be right for your child. You can check them out one at a time to help your child get Kindergarten Ready!