Troy Beachy
4870 N 600 E
Kokomo In, 46901
765-628-2402 (Day)
Hours: M, T, TH, F 10am-4pm
By Appointment Only
Deborah K Ervin Asbery
2296 S 750 W.
Russiaville (New London)
Indiana, 46979
p.765-889-3098 f.765-889-3264
Hours: M, W, F 9am- 4pm
Michael Foland
10929 E 400 S
Greentown In 46936
765-628-0518 (Office)
765-398-4220 (Cell)
By Appointment Only
On Thursday September 12th,
Center Township Staff will stop seeing
clients at 9:00 am due to a staff meeting.
They will resume shortly after at 10:00 am.
On Friday September 13th,
Center Township will stop seeing
clients at 10:00am
due to staff development.
Additionally, the CTTO office will close
on Monday September 15th @ 12:00pm.
CTTO will be closed on
Tuesday September 16th due to
Annual ITA Conference.
We will re-open on Wednesday
September 18th @ 9:00 am.
Please plan accordingly.