Located at the intersection of Jefferson and North Delphos streets, the park features two playgrounds, a basketball court, a picnic table, pavilion and a hill that can be used for sledding in the winter. The park, named after Civil War veteran Orlando Somers, was gifted to the city in 1920 by Somers a year before his death.
For more information about Somers Park and its history in Kokomo click here.
Come join Center Township of Howard County to help clean up this long-standing community park that was gifted to the city back in 1920.
Call the office @ 765-452-8259 for more information.
For the second year in a row, on June 2nd 2022, the Center Township Team worked together and helped revitalize Somers Park. They laid down fresh mulch in the playground areas, fresh rocks near the BBQ grill, gave the grill a fresh coat of paint, and picked up sticks and brush, and pulled weeds.
The Team helped make the park continue to look new and accessible.
We had several volunteers come out to help with the tasks.
We want to thank each one for their hard work that day.
Later in the week, Home Team Ice Cream provided ice cream treats for everyone for their hard work.
The photos below captured the busy day.